3.2. Writing A Brainfuck Interpreter

See full code version

3.2.1. The Virtual Machine

The Complete VM-Implementation weights ~100 lines of readable C++.

The VM consists of an Instruction -type and an Operator, which executes the Instructions. Brainfuck-Instructions are simple, they only need an Opcode (representing ,, ., +, -, <, >, [, ]) and an optional data register for jump-instructions.

First lets define our VM-Opcodes with an enum:

enum brainfuck::Opcode

Opcodes for the Virtual-Brainfuck-Machine



Get character from input and write it to current cell.


Write current cell as character to output.


Increment the current cell.


Decrement the current cell.


Move cell-pointer right.


Move cell-pointer left.


Jump unconditionally.


Jump, if current cell is zero.

Now we need to represent the state of the VM. The neccesary values are members of brainfuck::VM: Tape and Program pointers have templated types and are expected to behave as iterators on a container (e.g. std::array). It contains a struct which defines Instructions. When the Operator (defined later) wants to execute an instruction, the method fetch is called, which updates the VM-State (in this case load the register) and returns the Opcode to be executed. Note that Data is the type for the VM-State. The last thing to do is to get the Instructions. This is done by CodeAccessor.

template <typename TapeIterator, typename ProgramIterator>
class brainfuck::VM

Stores the state of the virtual-machine and provides all operations.

Public Functions

brainfuck::VM::GIECS_CORE_OPERATOR(Operator, ((Opcode::in, TAPE_FN(std::cin >> * tape )))((Opcode::out, TAPE_FN(std::cout<< (char)* tape )))((Opcode::inc, TAPE_FN(++(* tape ))))((Opcode::dec, TAPE_FN(--(* tape ))))((Opcode::next, TAPE_FN(++ tape )))((Opcode::prev, TAPE_FN(-- tape )))((Opcode::jmp, DATA_FN(std::advance(d.pc, d.jmp_off))))((Opcode::jz, TAPE_FN(if(* tape ==0) std::advance(d.pc, d.jmp_off)))))

Public Members

TapeIterator tape

Pointer to current memory-cell.

ProgramIterator pc

Program counter.

std::iterator_traits<ProgramIterator>::difference_type jmp_off

Register (used by jmp and jz)

class CodeAccessor

Decodes the program-stream to instructions and buffers them. Emulates a queue.

Inherits from boost::circular_buffer< Instruction >

Public Functions

CodeAccessor(ProgramIterator &begin_, ProgramIterator const &end_)
Instruction &front(void)

the next instruction

bool empty(void) const

if end-of-program is reached

struct Instruction

Instruction to be executed, gets decoded by CodeAccessor from program-stream

Public Types

using Opcode = brainfuck::Opcode
using Data = VM<TapeIterator, ProgramIterator>

Public Functions

Opcode fetch(Data &data)

Get the opcode for this instruction and update the vm-state (load register).

Public Members

Opcode op
std::iterator_traits<ProgramIterator>::difference_type jmp_off
Opcode fetch(Data& data)
    data.jmp_off = this->jmp_off;
    return this->op;

Now we need to implement the opcodes using an Operator. This generates a class which can be used with giecs::eval.

#define DATA_FN(def) ([](typename Instruction::Data& d){ def ; })
#define TAPE_FN(def) DATA_FN( auto& tape = d.tape; def )
                        ((Opcode::in, TAPE_FN(std::cin >> *tape)))
                        ((Opcode::out, TAPE_FN(std::cout << (char)*tape)))
                        ((Opcode::inc, TAPE_FN(++(*tape))))
                        ((Opcode::dec, TAPE_FN(--(*tape))))
                        ((Opcode::next, TAPE_FN(++tape)))
                        ((Opcode::prev, TAPE_FN(--tape)))
                        ((Opcode::jmp, DATA_FN(_jmp(d))))
                        ((Opcode::jz, TAPE_FN(if(*tape == 0) _jmp(d))))

3.2.2. Compiling Syntax for the VM

See syntax.hpp